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ICIEC is a member of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group, a AAA rated multilateral development financing institution that is collectively owned by 57 member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The IsDB is listed as 0% risk weighted MDB by the Bank for International Settlement (BIS). Like all other multilateral development banks, the IsDB Group has a preferred creditor status enshrined in its articles of agreement which have been ratified by the parliaments of all its member countries. Chapter 7 of the Articles, which is entitled “Immunities, Exemptions and Privileges” clearly states (see Article 52) that the Corporation will be accorded all the corresponding immunities, exemptions and privileges provided for in Articles 53, 45, 55, 56, 57, 58, and 59 of the Articles of Agreement establishing the Bank.
IsDB owns 52% of ICIEC and the remaining 48% is divided among the 48 member countries. As a member of the IsDB (AAA rated) Group, ICIEC benefits from various managerial synergies and support from its parent. ICIEC collaborates with its parent and other sister entities to achieve groupwide strategic framework, the overall development goals and H.E the President’s P5P programs. In addition, ICIEC enjoys a close working relationship with similar multilateral development institutions, particularly the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) of the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank’s Guarantees Program, The Arab Corporation for Investment Guarantee and Export Credit (Dhaman) and others.
Furthermore, ICIEC works closely with a number of national ECAs, both in its member countries and in the developed countries. For instance, the Corporation has an active reinsurance treaty with Turk Eximbank, COTUNACE of Tunisia, CAGEX of Algeria, Sheikan of Sudan, and ECIE of the UAE and others among national ECAs of member countries. It also has MoUs and close working relationship with NEXI of Japan and Sinosure of China. Finally, ICIEC is a full member of the Berne Union, the International Association of Credit and Investment Insurance, and the Prague Club. It is also the founding member of the Aman Union, which brings together the national export credit agencies (ECAs) of the OIC member countries.
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