The Organisational Structure

The overall governance of ICIEC is based on the following four-tier structure:

Board of Governors (BoG)

The BoG is composed of Ministers representing the Member Countries of the IsDB. All powers of the Corporation are vested in the BoG. However, the BoG may delegate some of its powers to the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

Board of Directors (BoD)

The BoD, which is the same as the Board of Executive Directors (BoD) of IsDB, is responsible for the general direction of the operations of ICIEC.

Chairman of the Board of Directors

The President of IsDB is the ex-officio Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

The CEO, in accordance with the Articles of Agreement, Guidelines, Rules and Regulations approved by the BoD and under the general supervision of the Chairman of the BoD, has full executive powers to manage the affairs of the Corporation. The CEO can, within the powers delegated to the CEO by the BoD, approve operations and investments by the Corporation and the conclusion of contracts pertaining thereto within the Guidelines, Rules and Regulations approved by the BoD.
The CEO attends the meetings of the BoD without the right to vote in such meetings.

  • Corporate governance structure
  • Organizational Chart
Board of Governors
Ministers / Central Bank Governors Representing Member Countries
Board of Directors
Shariah Board
Audit Committee
Chairman of The Board of Directors
Integrity Office
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
ICIEC Management Committee
Technical Underwriting Committee
Risk Management Committee
Claims & Recovery Committee
Investment Committee
Product Development Committee
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Office of the CEO
Internal Audit
Business Development
Middle East & North Africa (MENA) Region
Sub-saharan Africa & Europe (SSAE) Region
Asia Region
Global Partnership
Insurance Operations (Commercial Risks)
Underwriting Support
Insurance Operations (Sovereign Risks)
Legal Services
Claims & Recovery
Finance, & Treasury
Strategic Planning & Communications
Human Capital & Administration
Risk Management
Information Technology
Monitoring & Evaluation
Corporate Services

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